Eliminate Organic Matter with Natural Bio-Enzymatic Action

Posted by Barry Greenberg on Sun, Nov 16, 2014 @ 14:11 PM

In nature, organic matter naturally decomposes via the actions of microorganisms. Living organisms feed upon organic matter and, in turn, use the nitrogen, phosphorous and other nutrients from the organic material to live. The end result is a natural compost and decomposed organic material. Without these microscopic bacteria and other organisms, the world would be a much dirtier place. Common decomposers in nature include beetles, centipedes, millipedes, flies and other anthropods, that engage in eating organic matter and breaking it down for the bacteria and other microorganisms. This is great in the natural world, but sometimes you need something a little quicker than nature. We provide products that produce natural bio-enzymatic action, to quickly eliminate grease, fats and organic waste in grease traps, drains and drain lines.

Bio-enzymatic action offers an extensive list of benefits to the user and environment. It quickens the natural process by adding inn, additional microorganisms, essentially reducing the number of steps nature takes. In many cases, it replaces the need for hazardous and harmful chemicals (no more caustics or chlorinated solvents), along with eliminating the filthy and laborious task of hand cleaning.

These natural, bio-enzymatic products contain billions of specialty bred microorganisms which attack organic waste. Upon contact, these microorganisms release natural enzymes that liquify and digest organic matter. This will reduce odor and the buildup of slime, sludge, grease and other matter that accumulate in drains, traps and other lines.

Our product, "Digest Plus", is such a product.

Because of the natural enzymes and the way these products work, it's often important to allow the bio mass to grow; this allows the microorganism colony to build up within the problem area to effectively combat subsequent buildup of organic matter.

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Topics: Digest Plus, Enzyme Producing Bacteria, Digests grease, drain care, eliminate uric acid salts, eliminate drain odors, control drain flies